Monday, October 26, 2009

Well, after the fact of finding out that the girls do have family, and learning a bit more about the whole situation, I cannot say I am in any less shock. While I may be shocked, though, God is not. I always thought God never has a "plan B", but He does. It is for the times when us humans do not do what His will is for our lives. If we would all just seek Him on all things He would not need "plan B". What is our "plan B". At this point we don't have one. If God tells you, though, will you please pass it on to me?!?! I am trying to, " still and know He is Lord," in all of this.

I have spent a lot of time in the last week in the stillness of the Lord; and He has showed me and spoken some good truths into my life. There was a time three years ago when our youngest graduated from high school and went off to college. Wow! That was hard, but he still lived at home so I got to see him often. He let me make his dinner and get his lunches ready for him. I still shopped for him for clothes and most school supplies, and of course the cleaning up after him and doing his laundry. This past May he grew up and moved out. I knew the day would someday come, but I tell you I was not ready for it. He has grown into a fine young man. One any mom would be proud to call son. Of course he is still young and makes some mistakes, but we all do. And I am so happy every Saturday or Sunday when he brings home his laundry and I still get the chance to do something for him. I know someday this too will pass. But, for now, I enjoy getting to do something for him. He was so cute this past weekend when he was home. He asked me to cut his hair, which I have done since he was a baby. He did say he would like it shorter than I have been cutting it. He even showed me the picture of the way he wanted. But you see, he had no idea I was intentionally cutting it longer and longer so he would need it cut more often so I had that few minutes of him by myself. It was a time Dad would be off doing something else; and him and I could just talk. I had his undivided attention as there was no way he would leave in the middle of a haircut. Well, he must have caught on! But since May, or I guess since graduation three and a half years ago, I have not felt like I have had any real purpose on this earth. Yes, I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a best friend, a deacon's wife, a church goer, and a First Place leader, but I never felt I had a real "God purpose". When I saw the girls picture for the first time, though, I felt God say, "You still do have a purpose in life. I am not done with you. I want you to be a mom to two girls who so deeply need a mom in their life." His plan was not for them to grow up in there in separate orphanages. So I had a joy in my heart which I had not had since the day I sat and watched my baby (young man) graduate. I have said since the beginning I am not sure if these are are girls or if we just got their picture to open our minds and hearts to orphans. I do not feel God is done with us. Last week Tim had been out of town for work, so when he came home Friday night we went to dinner and while talking he mentioned that he was not sure if God is telling him we are to get two other girls or not. I am confused by that as we have said to people we are to be the "father to the fatherless". How then can he say what he did? But at the beginning of this I also said I was going to be a submissive wife. I never knew how hard that can be. We have lots of things to overcome, "...but with God all things are possible." Every time I think we should not do something I get one of those NCIS Gibbs & DiNozzo moments where Gibbs hits DiNozzo in the back of the head. Not hard. Just enough to get his attention. God needs to get mine a lot as my mind is always off and going.

I was reading a commentary the other day and there were a few good points I would like to share with you:

1.) Why do some people experience the same trauma, loss and suffering as others, but never give up? In fact, they grow from their experiences and go on to accomplish amazing things - even help others who are suffering.
2.) We can believe that we always have a choice: to give in and live as a victim to the pain and suffering of life on this planet, or choose to live in His VICTORY and STRENGTH. (I confess that I am not often up to such a positive choice. Without Him reaching down to lift me up I could not even choose to seek Him. Thankfully He does reach down; and that knowledge of truth fills my heart with an overflow of joy.)

"Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34)", but we need to, "consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18)"; and we need to REJOICE in the Lord for He is good and merciful.

Our pastor spoke about Esther, this past Sunday night in church. I learned several things I never knew before, or if I had known I had forgotten:

1.) Esther was an orphan. She was taken in and raised by Mordecai.
2.) She was beautiful. She was placed in the care of Hegai who was in charge of all the women. She pleased him and found favor with him.
3.) Esther went before the king in the tenth month, the seventh year of his reign.
4.) The king loved Esther more than all the women, so he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.
5.) As Mordecai commanded her, Esther had not made it know who her people were yet.
6.) Haman was upset that Mordecai would not bow down to him or pay homage to him.
7.) The king gave Haman the signet ring so he could do the king's business.
8.) Haman set out to have all the Jews killed.
9.) When Mordecai found out what happened he tore his clothes and put on sack cloth and ashes and went out and wailed loudly.
10.) When Esther heard of what had happened with Mordecai she sent him clothes in hopes he would put them on, but he would not accept them.
11.) Mordecai told Esther to stay quiet so she will not have harm come to her or her father's house.
12.) She had Mordecai assemble all the Jews to pray and fast for three days and nights; and Esther and her maidens did the same.
13.) On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court. The king saw her and extended the golden scepter; and she went into him.
14.) He saw she was bothered and asked what request he could do for her. She invited he & Haman to a banquet she had prepared for them.
15.) Haman was upset that Mordecai would not bow down to him so he sent for his friends. They came up with a plan to hang Mordecai.
16.) The king learned of Haman's plan to kill Mordecai and put a stop to it. Instead, he had Haman place one of the king's robes on Mordecai and put him upon a horse and parade him through the city's square.
17.) Esther told the king about her and her people being sold as slaves. The king wanted to know who would do this; and she proclaimed it to be Haman.
18.) The king had Haman hung on the gallows which had been prepared for Mordecai.
19.) The king then gave Mordecai the signet ring.
20.) Esther fell at the kings feet and wept and asked for the Jews lives to be spared. The king agreed to do what was right.

Esther made her plans carefully. She asked the Jews to fast and pray with her before she went to the king. It seemed fitting that the day on which the Jews were to be killed their enemies died.

Strengths and accomplishments:
- Her beauty and character won the heart of Persia's King
- She combined courage with careful planning
- She was open to advice and willing to act
- She saw her God given opportunity; and she seized it
- She was more concerned for others than for her own security

We should pray as if all depends on GOD and act as if all depends on us. Yet, we should avoid both extremes of doing nothing and feeling we must do everything.

Potters Hand, by Hillsong

Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour
I know for sure, all of my days are held in Your hands
Crafted into Your perfect plan

You gentle call me, into Your presence
Guiding me by, Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord
To live all of my life through Your eyes

I'm captured by, Your Holy calling
Set me apart
I know You're drawing me to Yourself
lead me Lord I pray

Take me, mold me
use me, Fill me
I give my life to the potters hands
Hold me, guide me
Lead me, Walk beside me
I give my life to the potters hand

I am asking you to all please be in prayer for the girls' grandmother... that her heart will become like clay which Jesus can mold and make new... that she has a peace that everything will be okay for her and great for the girls to come and live with us. We so want to be their forever family.


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