Thursday, April 08, 2010

Luke 11:33 -- "No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house. "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is bad, your body is filled with darkness. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light."

As I read this verse today it reminds me that we are currently in a dark place. They have religion, but not a relationship with the One True Living GOD. They don't know the joy of having JESUS in their life. They do everything at the church because that is what they were taught, not because from reverent desire. I am learning to be the light and to shine for Jesus. Tim & I had to go to the store to buy a gift one day. As we were going across the street my prayer had been for GOD to lead us to where he wanted us to make the most impact on someone that night. We walked through all the little kiosks there and ended up going back to buy some cologne. The lady was very nice to us. She worked very hard to understand us. Now, whenever we go by her “shop” she always smiles. The other day she saw me in line and came out to meet me and to say, “Hi!” to her American friend. She had the biggest smile of anyone I have seen here. I want to be the light to shine for Jesus. I hope you can find someone today to be a light for.

Again, I am sorry I have not updated as often as I would like. It is a crazy life one leads when going through the adoption process. I have read many blogs (My family teases me that I am addicted to them!) so that I would have an idea of what to expect, but nothing will prepare you for this journey. Not a single blog I have read is the same, so that leads me to tell you that ours is not in any way the same as others. It is like reading a new book, only each time the ending is the same. You go home changed, with an addition to your family, and you have a deeper walk with the Lord, as there is really no way to accomplish this without HIM. I know there are some families who do it without depending on God, but I am not sure how they have not gone crazy.

Let me fill y'all in on some of what has happened over the week. On Thursday last week we only had to go to the notary's office to sign some paperwork. After that we had lunch; and then went to some friends’ flat. They are also from Mississippi, and are here adopting from Balta, so Alyona and Yura knew each other. It made for a fun day. We laughed and played. After that, we got to take our first bus ride here. I will tell you, if you don't do well in small places, you will not do well on the bus. The people pack in until there is no room for anyone to move. Luckily we got on the back row so it was not so bad.

On Friday, we got up at the crack of dawn and headed for Kiliya. It is a day I will never forget. Alyona and Kristina would get to see each other for the first time in over two years. Kristina saw Alyona from across the courtyard; and she came running as fast as her legs would carry her. Alyona just stood there with her arms full and me telling her put the stuff down and to go meet Kristina, but of course Alyona had no real idea what I was saying. At last Kristina was up the steps and into Alyona’s arms. Hugs, kisses, crying, it was amazing. It all happened so fast that Tim nor I were really ready for much of the hoped for “photo moment”. We did a get couple of shots. The girls spent most of the day walking, talking, and playing together. They had so much to get caught up on. I was afraid when we went to leave that Alyona might possibly have a meltdown, but she walked out like a big girl. I am the one who had a small meltdown. It was so hard to go off and leave Kristina there.

On Saturday, we slept in for a little while. Then we all got our showers and headed downtown on the bus again. We went and bought a stuffed kitten for Alyona. Then we went to lunch. We went to a Ukrainian cafeteria, similar to Picadilly, as we thought Alyona could find something to eat she might like. Some she did, and some not so much. Papa got to eat half of her food. I will say, I thought I might not like the food here, but it is very good. I have not been as adventurous as Tim, but I am trying. I have gotten a few things I thought was one thing, but turned out to be something totally different. It has all ended up okay, though. After lunch we walked around the downtown letting Alyona pictures. Before we left home, we had invested in a camera for the girls to use while we are here, so they can take pictures, and we can see life through their eyes. Alyona is actually a lot like Papa in taking pictures. She knows what she wants and will work to get them just right.

Sunday, we got up and went to church with a friend from here. It was a neat church, as it was conducted in both English and Russian. Praise and worship was great, but then it is always great when you are with other believers. After church, we went and had lunch with our friend, and did some last minute shopping for Easter dinner. We were at another friends’ place for dinner. There were thirteen of us. We had a blast, ate way too much, played games, and did the Resurrection eggs for the kids. It was in English and in Russian as we had some of both. I am thankful for the friends we have made here as it was strange not being with our family back home, but we did get to Skype with them; and that was good.

As good as Sunday was, it was also sad. We were supposed to go to visit Kristina that day, but we were unsuccessful arranging transportation. We tried the bus, but all the tickets were sold out. We had reservations to get home. We just couldn’t get there! We looked into taking a taxi, but that was 2000 grivna, $250. Not a chance! Then we checked into renting a car, which was also out of the question. So we decided we would call the director to ask about rescheduling for Monday. I am not sure he fully understood how much it would cost and that we weren’t prepared to spend that kind of money for a three to four hour visit. So, we went on Monday. We spent about 3 1/2 hours there playing ball with the girls. Papa and I decided we are much too old to join a soccer team! Hehehe!

We went back to Kiliya again on Tuesday. Wow! What a ride. I would like to take a moment and thank Sasha our other driver. I am not sure I could do this trip without him. We had to rent a taxi driver, on Tuesday, which cost more than Sasha and was not near as nice as Sasha. It was okay, but we could we could definitely tell we were in a taxi, not Sasha’s newer car, as we felt every bump; and there are many, many, many of them! There are quite possibly more potholes than road. We spent all day there with the girls. We left Odessa about 7:15 am and got there about 11:45 am, then we did not leave Kiliya until 6:00pm. It was very cold and windy that day. We had spent most of the time outside as we were not sure if we were allowed to go inside the buildings. Oles was in town all day doing paperwork. When he did finally come back to the orphanage to check on us, we asked him to see if we could go inside. They did allow us to go sit in the lobby at the dorms. Warmth, it was good! We got out some flash cards and worked with Alyona on numbers and colors. A lot of the kids wanted to learn also, along with one of the workers. These kids want so bad for someone to come and take them home. Just to love them and give them a good home. One of my new friends there came and asked me if she could go to America and me be her mama. Oh, how I could scoop them all up and bring them home, but I know I cannot. I am not sure now when we will go back to visit Kristina, and that hurts to know she is there in limbo, wondering when we will come back.

We thought we had a free day on Wednesday, but that only lasted until 10:00am. Oles called and said we needed to meet him downtown and for Alyona to rewrite her petition to be adopted, as he was concerned the SDA might not accept the format of her first one. So we all scrambled to get cleaned up and we were off on the bus again. I had a bad headache and slept most of the bus ride. While we were waiting for Oles our friends came walking down the street toward us, We ended up going and having lunch with them. It was a lot of fun again. Later, we came home, did some shopping, then I took a nap to see if the headache would go away. Nope! It didn't work, but thank goodness for nighttime, as the sun went down the headache went away. Alyona helped make dinner with one of our friends. We had hoped that by helping to make it she would want to eat it. At the last minute, our friend had put some seasoning in; and Alyona then would not even try it. Too bad for her. It was good. Alyona left the table hungry. We explained to her we would be having ice cream & strawberries for dessert; and she would not get any until she ate her dinner. She still choose not to eat. Our friend speaks Russian, so we know it was not that Alyona didn't understand. She was just being stubborn. We tried to get her to eat a few times throughout the evening, but no luck. Finally, at about 8:20pm, I told her that if she ate one bite before 9:00pm she could still have ice cream. I showed her on the clock when it would be too late to get ice cream. Well, she consciously waited until 8:59pm to put the bite into her mouth. She did get her ice cream, but we also learned a little more of how much she understands and how she is going to try to manipulate us!

Poor Tim. He has been lost for the almost two days we were without Internet access. Okay, not just poor Tim, poor me, too! We were both lost without contact to the outside world, but we called Oles this afternoon. He called the Internet provider and within a half hour we were back on line. Oh, happy days are here again!

Well, you are all caught back up on the life of adoption and the things that can go on. Oh, yeah, one important part of the story… all the initial paperwork is compete and is on the train to Kiev for submission to the SDA office. We now wait to learn of their approval so that we can schedule a court date. YEAH! I wanted to save the best for last.

Y'all have a good day. I will write more once I know more as we will now be in a holding pattern for at least a few days. Love y'all; and remember to keep the SDA in your prayers. We need a speedy report so we can set a court date.


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